Sunday, 9 March 2014


schema theory demonstrates how we perform discrete perceptual motor skills. it says that each skilled action we have learned has its own motor programme stored in the LTM
schema is a build up of experiences which can be adapted to meet demands of new situations relavent to a specific motor programme for a skilled action, e.g a forearm shot in tennis- not every shot is identical, but the action is stored in the LTM so it can be performed to a good standard and correctly.

schema theory states that this experience is gathered from 4 areas in two categories;
(demonstrated for a rugby player)
recall schema.(before) (initial conditions+response specification)
initial conditions- relates to when a player has previously experienced a similar situation e.g attacker approaching a deffender
response specification- having the knowledge of knowing what to do in this situation e.g pass dummy dodge or kick

recognition schema (during/after) (knowledge of sensory consequences + knowledge of movement outcome)
sensory consequences- kinaesthesis e.g attacker would know how hard to throw the ball in order to reach the target
knowledge of movement outcome- what the result of the skill is likely to be e.g a dummy would show the defender the wrong way 

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